- 1859 Berdan Sharps Rifle
- Green forage cap
- Green frock coat
- Blue or green trousers Berdans were issued both.
- Leathers: Belt and buckle, cap pouch, cartridge box with small cartridge box plate.
- Canteen with jean wool cover and leather or canvas sling.
- Haversack
- Brogans
- Calf Hide Knapsack with blanket and mess kit.
- (not pictured) Leather leggins
- 1859 Berdan Sharps Rifle
- Green forage cap
- Blue sack coat or fatigue blouse
- Sky blue trousers
- Jean wool canteen with either leather or canvas sling
- Leathers: belt and buckle, cap pouch, cartridge box with small cartridge box buckle.
- haversack
- brogans
- double knapsack
You'll also notice that the "Hair Trunk" or calf hide knapsack is missing. A number of the 1st USSS lost them quickly after being told to ditch their packs at an engagement during the peninsula campaign. While they were "lost" it's likely to believe the high quality packs were just stolen by envious soldiers. Losing one's pack was common for green recruits who quickly learned it was better to fight with it on than to go bed without your bed kit and dry socks. This is why our unit really encourages people to create a campaign impression even if all they can afford to put in their knapsack is a blanket.