After breakfast Saturday morning, we packed up camp and went on our longest march yet, drilling along the way. Drill focused on tactics, deployment, using the terrain, and scouting with battle buddies. Everyone showed great improvement in marching endurance. After a lunch break, we engaged in a very special and never before seen activity which you'll just have to hear about around the camp fire at Cheney. Evenings were spent swapping stories and singing songs around the campfire.
We really enjoyed the time spent learning how to use our gear and develop camp craft. It's low key events like this that provide not only bonding time but opportunities to develop skills and leadership. It was also great to see how we are approaching near 100% authenticity by leaps and bounds. We were so proud to see everyone was able to live entirely out of their knapsacks or bedrolls all weekend. We're so thankful to everyone who could make it and we can't wait to see everyone again at our next event.
Until our next event, stay safe, keep studying, training, and working on your impression.