CO. D SKIRMISHES BY THE BUGLE! That's right, folks, we finally did it! With the Captain on the bugle, we managed to hold off the secesh for the first 15 minutes of our last battle with only bugle commands. It's so fulfilling to finally have this important element of Sharpshooter history an increasingly regular part of our routine.
In other news, the weather was hot but not as terrible as was originally predicted so our health and spirits were with us. After the hot day's battles, several of us went to the nearby river for a quick cool down and some fun. This weekend's drill focused mostly on tactics and battlefield training. As always, we spent a lot of time scouting the battlefield prior to battles which allowed us to direct battalion on good routes for better battle scenarios. The battles were alright but most notable was acting Corporal Soderling's excellent performance filling in for Cpl. Hardway. Cpl. Spiekerman brought along a new recruit who we hope will join us regularly next year. He was a quick study, hard worker, and great fit for Co. D. Cpl. Spiekerman had his work cut out for him since it seemed that in every battle his flank was pushed the hardest.
Camp life was good with Quartermaster Severson doing an excellent job issuing and caring for equipment. He also proposed using company funds to invest in some needed items like trousers from Milk Creek at $75 each and some more shirts. The skipper and I bought the loaner kit a shirt, cap pouch, belt buckle, and some other odds and ends. With more of us interested in campaign impressions, Severson also recommended a knapsack or two for loaner gear. We'll keep you posted as we get shopping in this off season.
As usual, no one seemed to want to be the battalion color guard which made battalion drill and parade a bit interesting. So, of course, we volunteered. What's better than having battalion form on our Nationals and Regimentals?
This was a weekend with lots of Berdans involved in the film-making process. A small crew from Seattle's Cherry Street Films joined us to film a short scene with us in camp. Acting Corporal Soderling had a fun time teaching them how to play Euchre. Shooting and extra time for b-roll ran us right up to battle time, so those of us involved had to sprint right into battle and start shooting. A very special thanks to Logan from the 3rd Michigan for connecting us. This event also included another viewing of the film "Vivandiere" which includes cameos of Cpt. Whitehall, Severson, and yours truly. A painter looking to do some Berdan Shapshooter pieces wanted some poses from Cpt. Whitehall, so our company photographer, Private Ternan spent some time taking some nice portraits to send the artist.
This weekend also included an early birthday celebration for our Captain organized by his amazing grandparents. Along with delicious cupcakes, the Captain received the gift of the last Trionni Berdan painting to complete his collection.
I also had the pleasure of delivering our battalion Sgt. Major his new field desk which is featured in our latest YouTube video.
With our season ending sooner than usual this year, everyone is really committed to spending more time together in the off season. We were considering rushing a bivouac for next week but we might be looking ahead to Labor Day weekend, so if you're interested be sure to let the skipper know. We'll also have to come to some consensus about where to meet. Either in the wilderness near the captain or the central Cascades. I'm also sure people will be interested in a Christmas party, so keep in touch. The Captain and I can't push everything along and still maintain sanity.
Next year, if you use ANY of the company cleaning kit you must bring funds to reimburse our master of arms, Private Ternan. She has graciously contributed out of pocket this year. If you don't bring money for events next year, you will be left with a dirty rifle and ineligible to take to the field. You will also not be issued a loaner rifle unless your small fee is submitted.
Thank you to everyone in our company who worked hard to make this another amazing year.