Lots of fun was had in camp. One of the most hilarious highlights was when a bunch of the 2nd and 20th ME discovered one could button their coats together like a shelter half and challenged themselves to walk around camp and visit battalion as their own new organism. It was a hoot.
The battles were alright, though it was the last battle of the event that really stood out. The two battalions worked together on a great scenario that played out wonderfully. Company D captured two companies and a bugler and had some incredible support from Union cavalry.
Overall, it was a delightful weekend. It was great to see units really support each other and dig into the drill manuals. Even officers worked on their study including when Capt. Whitehall taught the manual of the sword. The two armies played well together and everyone brought lots of great information, scenarios, and demonstration for the public. We hope to see everyone in Yelm next month.